Optimistic is a word that came up when Dr. John C. Maxwell asked one of our speakers about our country today — but let’s segue back to Wednesday, Nov. 2.
John is a certified Optimist, and in some ways because he is such an over-the-top Optimist, he may admit it can be a weakness. As John was opening “Exchange,” an exclusive event with world-class leaders, he was not so optimistic about our country’s leadership, and might have been surprised by this strong comment, and choice of words.
John C. Maxwell is a No. 1 New York Times best-selling author, coach, and speaker who has sold over 25 million books. He was identified as the No. 1 leader in business by the American Management Association and the world’s most influential leadership expert by Business Insider and Inc. magazine in 2014. The same year John also received the Mother Teresa Prize for Global Peace and Leadership from the Luminary Leadership Network. His organizations have trained over 5 million people and growing more lives each and every day. You might say that he knows a thing or two about leading people, and how does this relate to heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical and drain cleaning? Read on… One of the things I believe we should look at as we evolve through life, no matter what age, we should be maximizing not only who we are but also at what we are giving back, and always getting bigger at who we are. I was asked once, “When is it enough?” My response back then was, “Never.” I like John’s response even better, “There is no finish line.”
While visiting Dallas, John Maxwell and his Team gave us a police escort through town to visit Prestonwood Baptist Church, in a facility situated on 150 acres that puts many college campuses to shame, with over 41,000 members — all of this led by pastor Dr. Jack Graham. From there our escort took us to “The Star,” the Dallas Cowboys’ new $1 billion practice stadium. Coach Reeves, a Dallas Cowboys player under the legendary Coach Tom Landry, was quite the storyteller. As our day was winding down, we were hosted with good ol’ Dallas Cowboy football drills and dinner on the 50 yard line of The Star’s indoor high school football field that sits 12,000. Those Texans love their high school football.
Thursday took us to “The Richards Group,” founded by 84-year-old Stan Richards some 60 years ago in his garage and now one of the largest advertising agencies in the country, employing over 730 people. Mr. Richards is still the person leading this amazing company, with a client list consisting of Home Depot, Motel 6, Chick-fil-A, just to name a few.
This was John’s 15th year hosting this event. Each year it is in a different location and ends with a “Special” surprise. Our prize this year was visiting the “George W. Bush Presidential Library,” with cocktails, a special presentation, and five-star dining experience.
One-hundred and twenty of us had this beautiful facility to ourselves for an hour. It was remarkable. After being president of the United States for eight years, you need a place like this to share all the Life-Changing moments you had during your presidency. President Bush was only in office for just nine months when the World Trade Center was attacked. Nothing can ever prepare you for something like this, no matter who you are. As one of the many video monitors played throughout our parade down memory lane, President Bush shared, “I had to stay calm and get the correct facts.” The walls of this Library are not like walls from libraries that may come to mind; they speak to you, and tell stories of the Bush family life for those eight years … very impressive.
Despite the amount of tension and over-the-top decisions our 43rd president had to make … he appeared upbeat and funny — while wandering from one room to the next, his life lessons, leadership successes and a few failures unfolded in front of us like it was just yesterday. At moments in time, you felt like he might actually be in this library with you. With his words and phrases written on the walls, it was as if he actually was speaking to you: principles, God is good … All the time, don’t care if you win or lose but do the right thing, know what you don’t know, have to have a reason for leading … define, analyze, stay calm and communicate effectively — those are just a few of the things remembered.
At one point, John Maxwell turned to a group of us sitting in the exact replica of the Oval Office at the time President Bush was in office, including the family photos sitting on the shelves, and he repeated a statement he heard, “We live in the most amazing country there is in this world, be proud and grateful for where you live and who you are, an American.”
And as this was just a week before the election, we were left with this: Whoever sits in the chair of Presidency; it is so much bigger than one person.
And how does this all tie in to Central? This experience empowers me to be a bigger, stronger, caring leader for the men and women who work at Central answering the phone and coming into your home each day. I want them to deliver “World Class Service”, and if I have never experienced this level of Service, how can I teach it, as well as lead it?
As Thanksgiving is now just around the corner, instead of being defeated by your candidate of choice not winning the chance to be our 45th president … remember the words above, “…this is so much bigger than one person.” Rioting and such just plays even more negatively on our country as a whole.
As always, your Comfort is our Central concern, call 756-6656, for all your heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical and drain cleaning needs…