Replace Window AC Units With a Ductless Mini-Split System

Improve The Comfort, Efficiency and Aesthetics In Your Home

If you’re planning on replacing or upgrading an old window air conditioner, you may want to consider a ductless, or mini-split cooling system instead. While initial installation costs may be higher, in most cases a ductless system will offer enough versatility – and improved resale value – to make the upgrade worth the additional cost for many homeowners.

Ductless Mini-Split System

Here are a few of the advantages ductless systems offer versus window AC units.

No Window Needed

A window air conditioner blocks the view outside and present security issues. Window AC units can also be an eyesore both inside and outside the home. On the other hand, ductless systems are typically compact, narrow units that can be mounted up high near the ceiling or in the floor. You will forget they are even there.

Cool and Heat A Room

In addition to cooling, most ductless systems can also provide efficient heating. This versatility means you won’t need to add baseboard heat or rely on space heaters during the winter.


Mini-split systems can be connected together to cool and heat up to 8 rooms. Adding a new addition? Simply add a new zone.

Lower Noise

Because the condenser section of the AC is located outside the house, mini-split systems are typically much quieter than window air conditioners.

Cleaner Indoor Air

Ductless systems offer more advanced air filtration capabilities than window air conditioners, and even central heating and cooling systems. If indoor air quality is a concern, be sure to look for ductless units that have improved air filtration capabilities.

Convenience Features

Some models enable you to monitor and adjust your ductless system with a remote control and create programs and schedules from your smartphone or tablet.

If you’re considering replacing your window air conditioners with a ductless cooling system, call Central Heating Cooling Plumbing and Electrical. Our Home Comfort Specialists can help answer all your heating and cooling questions.

Call For Ductless Mini-Split Installation in Kallispell, Whitefish, Columbia Falls, Bigfork, Lakeside, Polson and the Greater Flathead Valley

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