How I Met My Little Buddy…

The following is an article our daughter Lauren wrote that will be published in “406Bark” in September issue and thought it fun to share with all of you…

How I Met My Little Buddy…

Early Christmas morning I excitedly sprang out of my bed as any 9-year-old does, ready for all the magic that the day would bring. I immediately ran to wake up my parents and older brothers to get the celebrations under way. Being teenagers at the time, my brothers were a little slower hopping out of bed than myself. The sun was barely rising above the snowy fields outside, but luckily for me, I was blessed with two incredible big brothers who were used to playing along. After just a few moments insisting that they really did need to wake up, and that, no, it was not 3 am, they rolled out of bed too. We all headed upstairs to grab Santa cookies and hot cocoa, our usual present-opening snacks. After was seemed like ages, my dad had put on his Christmas sweater, found the video camera, and gave it the usual spiel as to what our family was up to today- in case the reindeer ears and matching PJs my mom and I were sporting did not already give it away. Finally, we were ready to head to the tree.

On a typical Christmas, we would sort out whose gifts were whose and open stockings first. This year, though, it was different. Moments after getting downstairs, my parents smiled and said, “LC, we have a special present you get to open first.” That sounded right up my alley, so I ran quickly over to the large, light pink, striped gift bag they were pointing to. My dad was already camera ready as I looked down and saw the coziest stuffed animal in the world. It was just the one I had wanted; I pulled it out smiling, only slightly confused that they had put one rather small item in such an oversized bag. As I was beginning to thank them, I noticed the tissue paper in the bag begin to move slightly. Surprised, I reached back down and lifted the paper out to find the most wonderful gift ever. “A PUPPY!!” I could not believe it. The sweet fluff ball, that just barely filled the palms of my hands, was looking back at me. For my young self, this little guy was a dream come true. I looked up at my family to see them all grinning (almost) as much as me. When my brother asked, “What are you going to name the little buddy?” I thought for a minute, wanting the best name for my new best friend. Without hesitation, I happily stated, “His name is Buddy!” And since that moment, he has been just that. The greatest Buddy any girl could ever need.

There was one person in our household that was not very happy that Christmas morning, our black lab “Casse”, when Lauren pulled that little fluff ball out of the bag, Casse stood up on her pillow and turned around and laid back down with her back to us the rest of the morning.

She was probably remembering Lauren’s last pet, her Siamese kitten…that tuned into a very friendly or possibly bratty cat. It would not be uncommon to find “Sweetie” laying on her back, sprawled out sleeping on Casse’s pillow!

We had another cat at the time called “Honey”. Honey also was not really very fond of Sweetie. Lauren would carry that Cat around like a rag doll perched on her hip.

Sweetie was an indoor cat, and yet once it got outside one day, it never wanted to come back in…I knew it was a matter of time before one-day Sweetie would not make it back home. At the time we lived on about 3 acres of land outside of Great Falls, I am confident to say, that I believe Casse and Honey co-hooted together, possibly even opening the door to help Sweetie escape…

I hope you enjoyed a bit about our family pets and family traditions, as always, your Comfort and your pet’s Comfort is our Central Concern…a “HOT” seller for us this summer is an air-conditioning unit that is also a heater as well, called a “Mini-Split”, I have written about these in the past…with our summer showing many Hot days still left, this will not only give you comfort now, but also additional warmth in the winter…call today!!

Yummy Dog Treats

2/3 C pumpkin puree

1/3 C all-natural chunky peanut butter

2 large eggs

2 ½ C whole wheat flour


Mix – roll- and cut using a cute dog bone cookie cutter…


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