Stress Free?

Feeling stressed today, seems to be almost unavoidable in this ever-changing world of ours. Or is it? 

Who really is to blame for all this added stress in our lives? Do you stay true to yourself, when you decided last weekend, I am going to put my house back together after the holidays? Then a friend calls and will be in town for a tournament and would love to get together. May not be a friend much longer if you were to say, “Oh, I would love to get together, however, I need to get all the Christmas stuff put away by Monday.”

Staying stress free and organized can be a challenge today because we have so many options to take up our time. It is imperative we learn time management and stay true to making the time to get things done in a timely manner.

We are pretty good at setting ourselves up for failure in getting everything done on our list. Instead, a more realistic goal of getting the house back together after the holidays is to break it down into tasks.

I began transforming our home back in November where items that are a wintry theme are displayed and will stay up until the end of February. When putting my mantel display together each year, I design it not only for Christmas, but I can then transform it to have a Valentine’s theme simply by removing the Christmas items and replacing with Valentine hearts of various sizes. Traditionally, I do not put any greenery on the mantel for this reason. However, this year with the overall feel of the rest of my decorating theme, greenery seemed necessary to bring it all together.

So, last week, my mantel was transformed from Christmas theme to Valentine’s in less than 10 minutes. Gone are the Santas and the sparkly gold votives and replaced with colored glass votives in red, and little red ornament hearts hung on the greenery.

In our home I have splashes of holiday here and there and by starting with a wintry theme it is not so overwhelming to put it all away at once. As we ease into spring, so does my home.

Becoming more organized and stress free in 2018 is 100 percent up to you. If you have ever had the opportunity to watch the A&E program “Hoarders,” no wonder these people are so withdrawn from reality. Disorganization puts tremendous pressure on mind, body and spirit. Taking time to organize your life and setting realistic timelines will begin to take you down a path of releasing some of your stress.

Do you have a room in your home that could possibly be gathering too much stuff? As our families grow so does the things we accumulate, take a reality check on what your lifestyle is today versus where it was five or 10 years ago. Each year when I am getting out our holiday items, and even again when I put things away, I am always looking to purge some items that are outdated or we have not used in many years. When was the last time you were able to put your car in your garage?

A good rule of thumb I like to use, if I have not touched it in well over a year, then why am I hanging on to it? Clear out the clutter and you will feel a huge weight off your shoulders.

Each Sunday evening, plan out your week and really pin point some items that must get done, and then just get it done. When we keep having things hanging out there, either let go of it as a priority for yourself, or complete the task. We tend to find time for the things we like to do and procrastinate on the items we are not as found of. It is important to be disciplined and conquer the challenging tasks right away and you will feel much better. Or, what may be a dreaded task by you, someone else may enjoy. Search out a member of your family or outsourcing it to someone else is another solution.

Let us help you for a stress free life… And remember, whether you are in Kalispell, Whitefish, Bigfork, Columbia Falls or anywhere else in the Flathead Valley. . .As always, your Comfort is our Central concern, Call 406-756-6656 for all your heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical and drain cleaning needs.

 Kid’s Favorite Snack (Adult’s too)

–  Favorite Crackers (my kids like Ritz)
–  Cheddar Cheese
–  Baby Dill Pickles

Slice cheese the size of the cracker, slice pickles and then cut in half, layer together on the cracker…ENJOY

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