6 Springtime Electrical Safety Tips

Despite the cold, snowy winter we’ve had here in the Flathead Valley, March 20th marks the first day of spring (according to the calendar, anyway). With every new season, it is important that we make sure that the electrical components that we use inside and outside of the home are working properly.

Concentrating on electrical safety awareness aids in keeping you safe from possible injury and helps prevent electrical malfunction. Below are a few tips to keep you on top of your springtime electrical safety tips list:

  • The power tools and lawn tools come out for use when the weather warms up. Before using any electrical tools, check that the cords are not damaged or frayed and the plug is not broken. Otherwise, operating a damaged power tool can be potentially dangerous to the user.
  • As a rule of thumb, if a power tool is not being used, keep it unplugged. It is possible for the tool to overheat and potentially cause a fire. Also, keep unused power tools stored in a dry place.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings; electricity and water do not mix. You MUST for safety make sure you are working in a completely dry environment. So before plugging in power tools or even an electrical lawn mower or leaf blower, look for melted snow, standing water, running hoses or sprinklers and in particularly wet grass all of these circumstances can cause an electrifying experience you’ll regret if you are not careful.
  • Power lines can be potentially dangerous even if standing on the ground! As a rule of thumb, stay a minimum of 15 feet away from any and all power lines. So if you are working on other springtime tasks where you may need to use a ladder to crawl on the roof and clean the gutters or even using a long handled pool tool to clean out debris from the pool water, always be aware of how close the power lines are to you. PRO TIP: whether they are high voltage or low voltage lines, for safety…treat all power lines the same and keep your distance!!
  • Looking to plant a tree or shrub? Rototill for a garden? Put a fence in? Or any other reason you may have to dig a hole in the ground… Call 811!! Most utility services we use for our homes and businesses are buried under the ground. So before you dig, you must call 811; this free service is easy to use, mandated by the law and should be done two days before digging begins. You can also go to: https://www.montana811.org. This website was created to answer questions and help guide you through the “locate request process” to make sure you are safely digging.
  • Whether you like to fly kites or model airplanes or your kids do, if these warm weather toys get caught or tangled in an overhead power line, DO NOT try and get it down yourself. We cannot stress enough the dangers of electrical power lines. Something as simple as a kite string can conduct enough electrical current to cause serious injuries or even death.

Maintaining your home in any season is important. But when working with electricity and/or around electrical lines, it needs to be taken seriously and treated with caution to preserve your safety.

At Central Heating, Cooling, Plumbing and Electrical your ‘comfort’ and ‘safety’ is always our CENTRAL concern! Call 406-756-6656 for all your heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical and drain cleaning needs.

***We service Kalispell, Whitefish, Columbia Falls, Bigfork, Polson, Lakeside, Somers or anywhere in the surrounding Flathead.

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