How To Stop Water From Backing Up

No homeowner wants to deal with backed up sewers, especially because a backed up sewer can cause thousands of dollars in damage to the home, including floors, electrical systems, walls and belongings. For this reason, many homeowners wonder how they can stop the water from backing up.

Most homeowners may not realize that in addition to the pipes in their home, they are also responsible for the maintenance and repair of the sewer lateral, the pipeline between the city’s sanitary sewer line and the home. These lines are owned and maintained by the building owner, but because this is an often overlooked part of home maintenance, it can become a hazard for homeowners.

Causes of Sewer Backups

While many floods and water problems are not caused by sewer backups, these backups are still an issue and concern for homeowners. There are a number of reasons for the water backups; here are the most common reasons for sewer water backups:

Aging System

There are hundreds of thousands of sewer lines throughout the country, and many of these are more than several decades old. Unlike roads, where you can see the potholes or cracks, sewer lines are out of regular sight, and thus, more often overlooked when it comes to repairs and upgrades.

Increasing Number of Homes

In addition to an aging system, there are an increasing number of homes being added to existing sewer lines each year.

Combined Lines

Some systems seek to simplify the system by combining storm water and raw sewage in the same pipeline. However, this increases the volume during storms and rainy seasons, and may overload a system already at high-capacity.

Tree Roots and Water Line Backups

In an attempt to find moisture, some tree and shrub roots may make their way into cracks and joints in the pipeline. These can cause severe damage as they grow larger.

Backups Due To Blockages

If a blockage occurs in the city’s main sanitary system, it could back up into homes and businesses through floor drains. This usually happens slowly but there are early warning signs of a clogged sewer line, so if you see seepage at floor drains, contact a licensed plumbing professional immediately.

Preventing Sewer Backups

There are several regular things you as a homeowner can do to prevent backups in the sewer lateral, as well as protect the city main line. These include:

  • Properly dispose of grease by pouring it in a heat-resistant container; do not pour it down the drain
  • Do not dispose of paper products such as paper towels, diapers, hygienic wipes or feminine products down the drain
  • Keep tree roots trimmed
  • Replace the line with plastic pipes, which will prevent tree roots from entering the line
  • Do not connect French drains, sump pumps or other flood control systems to the sanitary sewer
  • Install a backwater prevention valve

What To Do If Water Is Baking Up Into Your Home

If you notice water backing up into your home, contact a professional plumbing service immediately to diagnose and rectify the problem.

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