What To Consider When Choosing A New Furnace

I hope you are being able 
to find some relief from all the smoke we have been experiencing in our area.

During August we were still very busy working with our customers to help with this relief by installing air conditioning as our weather was unusually warm and very smokey that limited us from opening our windows at night. Normally, August can be an “in-between” month as our weather begins to cool down in the evening and you are not quite ready to think of cold weather. NOW, is when you do want to think about this, as we are now entering into the fall…waiting for the heart of our cold winter to replace your furnace is not a wise decision.

The purchase of a new furnace is a major investment. Unfortunately, since many furnace replacements are done on an emergency basis, too many homeowners make quick decisions rather than smart choices. When making a purchase, have you ever asked yourself, “How do I know I am getting the quality I want?” The key word here is “quality,” and what this means to you.

Recently I was in the market for a small TV to sit on the counter in our kitchen. I thought this would be an easy task to just go to one our local stores and replace my 13-inch TV. Because I like to buy locally, this is where my search began. To my surprise I found nothing in this size. So off to the internet I went, and again, the selection was very limited in this size and the brands available were all unfamiliar to me.

After trying two of these off-brands, both were 
sent back because the quality was extremely poor. Eventually I went back to shopping locally and purchased a brand I was familiar with, and ended up settling on a larger size. Fortunately, heating equipment is getting much better and more efficient. But, just like TVs, there are several different furnace brands available.

Rather than waiting until you have no choice but to replace your furnace, due to problems with it when our weather gets cold, NOW, is the time to start researching for an upgrade to your current system so you can make a smart and informed decision. Several items to consider when choosing a new furnace for your home:

  • The size of your home.
Number of windows.
The current fuel you are using to heat your home.
  • Do your heating bills seem high?
Was your home built as a “spec home?” In many cases, what we have found in the valley back during the “boom,” contractors tended to not really consider quality, but cost effectiveness. And not everyone out there really knows how to install heating systems correctly — duct design and airflow are extremely important.
  • How old is your home? General rule is replacement around 10 to 15 years.
  • Are there rooms that are always too hot or too cold?
  • Your furnace may have been incorrectly sized for your home.
  • Do you have asthma, allergies or excessive dust in your home?
  • Do you want a system that is easy to maintain?
  • Consider “smart systems” that can also be incorporated to other items in your home utilizing “smart thermostats.”
  • By looking now before the cold arrives and snow flies, you’ll have a better chance of finding a heating and cooling system you feel confident in, and will get you through many winters to come. Along with the proper system, it’s also important to know the company you are working with that is installing these systems. What will be the service you receive from them after they install your system?

I invite you personally to stop by our shop “anytime” for a tour of our facility. Investing in a system is not just about the equipment but the company and the people behind the system being installed.

Remember, whether you are in Kalispell, Whitefish, Bigfork, Columbia Falls or anywhere else in the Flathead Valley. . .As always, your Comfort is our Central concern,  call 756-6656, for all your heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical and drain cleaning needs.

Gardening tip: At this time of year, I
like to pull out my annual plants that are not pretty anymore, and replace them with Fall mums and kale. This gives a fresh look and depending on our first hard freeze can last until November…you do still need to remember to water your pots.

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