Tips To Ensure That You Are Hiring A Good Company.

Looks like we are having a wonderful traditional “hot” Fourth of July weekend, just like we want it. And for any reputable heating and cooling company, this gets the phones ringing off the hook.

It is important to be patient and get your name on the list versus hanging up to try another company. If they are reputable as well, you will only run into the same problem — they will be booked out too. However, if you call a company and they are not already booked out, I would be very cautious to have them come knocking at my door.

Who’s That Knocking at Your Door?

According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Statistics, there are 561,000 plumbers, 656,000 electricians, and 270,000 heating and air conditioning service providers in the United States. So, how do homeowners pick one, especially when faced with hot home, clogged pipes, or electrifying emergency?! How do you distinguish reputable professionals from rip-off artists?

“It takes more than a uniform and a tool belt to enter a home and earn a homeowner’s trust.” If you had to call a heating and cooling company this past week, you may have been a bit challenged on whom to call if you had not had any heating, cooling, plumbing or electrical work done in the past three years, and may have found that like in our company, we do take our customer relationship seriously, and when the phones are ringing off the hook, we have to prioritize our calls, so that we do not burn out our Team.

We utilize a Call Center Pyramid to help our Team to decide on who goes where and when. If you are a Comfort Care Member of our preventative maintenance program with an emergency, you go to the “top” of our pyramid, and then we work our way down from there.

It is very important to be taking care of your home’s heating and cooling system annually, not only to keep your system running at peak efficiency, but also to have a relationship with a good company that can come to your rescue when you have an emergency or want to invest in air conditioning when it is hot out.

How can you be better prepared and know who is “knock-ing at your door,” that they are reputable company that trains their Team weekly, not only in the field but their call center as well? It is important to build a relationships with service providers before you’re in crisis.

Here are a few tips to ensure that you are hiring a good company:

  • Ask for proof of license and insurance.
  • Ask for references and call them, if time permits.
  • Ask the business owner to highlight the company’s business practices.
  • Are their vehicles well-maintained?
  • Are service technicians clean and wearing a uniform?
  • Always get a cost estimate in writing up front, before they do the work.
  • Are they community minded?
  • Take the time to at least drive by their facility, or stop in to check them out.
  • Are they listed with a good ad in the Yellow Pages or can be found on Google?

Sound like common sense? Too often, people are so focused on getting the job done at a low price that they scrimp on quality — especially when they’re in crisis. Be thoughtful about your selection and take the time to build a relationship, or you may regret it. We work hard to provide good solid customer service, and to create Raving Fans for a Lifetime, so you do know, when we come knocking at your door you are getting a reputable company that you can trust.

Your comfort is my Central concern. Call us at 756-6656 for all your heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical needs!

Fourth of the July Dessert

Angel Food Cake
2 C strawberries cut up
1 C blueberries
1/4 C of sugar
1 tsp of vanilla
8 ounces of whipping cream

Mix strawberries with half of the sugar and set aside. Whip up the whipping cream and as it gets to the right consistency,
add in the rest of the sugar and vanilla. Slice up the Angel Food Cake, place on a festive Fourth of July plate, add a spoon or
two of strawberries, a dollop of whipped cream and sprinkle with blueberries … Enjoy!

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