Do you ever want life to just slow down a bit, and STOP changing? Think about what has happened just in the past 10 years … I remember when a cell phone came into my life. My husband got a cell phone first, and then I thought it would be a good idea that I invest in a phone too. My husband’s response to this was, “Why do you need a cell phone?” Today, his response is, “I have been trying to get ahold of you, Why are you not answering your phone!?!”
And think back on how it has all changed as to when does anyone get a phone today. With our boys, who are now 31 and 28, they each got a phone when they started to drive, but their baby sister, who is now 21, got her first phone for her 12th birthday, and even then, most of her friends already had a cell phone. Her brothers’ comment: “Spoiled!”
However, it really was not that at all … this object had now become a big part of our daily lives, and society had made it become a virtual necessity. Talk about “You have come a long way baby!” Just think about what your first phone was compared to the one you may be carrying today, and how many times over in just the past 10 years you have “upgraded” your phone, and even changed brands? About a year ago, I upgraded again to the larger iPhone 6, and now, my former phone seems so small!
And think about all the things this phone has replaced in our lives, starting with the fact that many of us no longer need a land line at home. Some of you maybe have not touched a “land-line phone” in years, unless you work in an office. In our office, our land-line phones are still a huge part of our business, but who knows in another 10 years?
It is mind boggling how much you can do with this hand-held device; no wonder it has been labeled as a “smart phone.” This hand-held device has changed the world. In 2010, there were approximately 2 billion of these devices in the world, but by 2020, it is predicted that this number will be 5 billion. An additional 3 billion people will have access to the world at their figure tips… just think about what this means in terms of purchasing power and exponential growth. This small hand-held device, which was originally invented so that we all could be instantly connected no matter where we were, has become a powerful communication tool worldwide in so many ways.
About a year ago, we were forced to upgrade our website so that it is now mobile friendly, and if you prefer, you can actually book a service call with us online instead of calling in and getting one of our Customer Service Representatives, who answer our phones, locally 24 hours EVERY day. Even the best of the best visionaries could never have predicted how powerful this hand-held device would be today, forcing many business models to change, and if they didn’t change fast enough, they may have even gone out of business. Does anyone else out there miss an item called “film,” where you were limited to 24 pictures and had to take the film to the drug store to get developed … seems maybe a bit time consuming; however, it can take hours to weed through hundreds of pictures taken on your smart phone … I miss film!
In the past five years or so, heating, cooling, and electrical devices have started being controlled by an “app” on your phone to monitor your home remotely. With the right home applications installed, you can monitor the temperature of your home, see who may be at your front door, turn on or off your lights or even be a baby monitor. Who ever would have thought all of this could be done with one small hand-held device? I am pretty sure two years ago, I did not know what the term “apps” even meant… now there are thousands of these so called “apps” available for us today.
If you are interested in having your home become more mobile friendly, call us.
As always, your Comfort is our Central concern, call 756-6656, for all your heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical and drain cleaning needs…