Why Whole Home Surge Protection Is Essential In Today’s Homes
The average home is full of electronics that make life easier and more convenient. Computers, smart appliances, EV chargers – all are essential, and expensive, electrical devices in today’s home. But, these conveniences can also be vulnerable to sudden electrical surges. Whole home surge protection is designed to safeguarding your home’s electrical system, providing a first line of defense against damaging power fluctuations. This damage is often not covered by homeowner’s insurance.
In new construction and many remodeling projects with significant electrical upgrades, whole-home surge protection is now required by the electrical code.
Understanding Power Surges and Their Impact
Before delving into why whole home surge protection is crucial, it’s vital to understand what power surges are and how they can affect your home.
What is a Power Surge?
A power surge is an unexpected, sharp increase in voltage that significantly exceeds the standard voltage level. While it may only last a microsecond, it can potentially damage, degrade, or even destroy electronic equipment within your home. From your refrigerator to your home entertainment system, a power surge can instantly turn your prized devices into expensive paperweights.
Where Do Power Surges Come From?
A sudden spike in electricity can have sources both outside and inside the home.
External Causes
- Lightning Strikes: This is one of the most dramatic causes of power surges. When lightning strikes near a power line, it can cause a massive surge of electricity that can potentially damage electronic equipment.
- Power Grid Switching: Power companies often switch power grids to balance loads and during routine maintenance. These switches can occasionally cause power surges.
- Downed Power Lines: Severe weather, accidents, or fallen trees can sometimes cause power lines to fall, creating a power surge.
Internal Causes
- High-Power Electrical Devices: Devices that require a lot of power to operate, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines, can cause power surges. When these devices turn on and off, they can create small surges in power that can gradually damage other electronic devices over time.
- Faulty Wiring: Old or faulty wiring can also cause power surges. If your home’s electrical system isn’t grounded correctly, it can lead to an imbalance in the power flow.
- Overloaded Outlets or Circuits: Plugging too many devices into one outlet or circuit can cause a power surge.
How Whole Home Surge Protection Works
Surge protection works by acting as a shield, absorbing and diverting excessive electrical energy during a power surge, thus preventing it from reaching your devices.
Enhance the Longevity of Your Appliances
Power surges can gradually degrade the performance and lifespan of your electronic equipment. With whole home surge protection, you ensure the longevity of your devices, saving you from regular replacements and repairs.
Point-of-use surge protection strips are less effective at protecting electronics over the long term and need to be replaced more frequently to ensure they provide lasting protection.
How to Install Whole Home Surge Protection
Whole home surge protection is installed at your home’s electrical service panel and should be installed by a licensed electrician. This ensures the surge protector is installed correctly, offering the highest level of protection.
Invest in whole home surge protection today to protect your home, your valuables, and your peace of mind.
Let our experienced and skilled team help you safeguard your home. Contact us today to schedule a whole home surge protection installation, and step into a safer tomorrow.
Call For Whole-Home Surge Protection Upgrades in Kalispell, Whitefish, Columbia Falls, Bigfork, Lakeside, Polson and the Surrounding Flathead Valley