“Your Comfort is our Central concern”

When our first grandson was born, five years ago, I shared my experience of the difference of the lifestyle experience of having a baby today versus back 30 years ago. My new grandson had his own special suite with his new Mommy and Daddy, and he never left this safe environment, until taking his first car-seat trip home.

Last week, I had a similar experience, my husband Dave and I, along with our daughter, made our way to La Jolla, California, to visit a clinic specializing in working on building a database of research to help us learn how we can prevent versus react to the chronic diseases in our society that are running rampant and becoming more of an expectation of just when it may happen to us.

Health Nucleus is a clinical research and discovery center that is a premier health intelligence platform integrating genomics and an advanced imagining center.

Below is a list of the overall testing we did over about a four-hour period.

1.Whole Body

  • MRI (Musculoskeletal/ Lipid Analysis)
  • MRI (Organ Specific RSI)
  • DEXA Scan
  • In Body Biometrics
  • Over 70 Laboratory Diagnostic Tests
  • 3D Forensic Imaging 2. Sequencing
  • Whole Genome
  • Metabolome
  • Microbiome
  1. Brain
  • NeuroQuant Brain MRI
  • 3D T2 Brain MRI
  • Diffusion MRI
  • Neourocognitive Testing
  • Quant. Gait Testing 4. Pulmonology
  • Pulmnonary Function
  • Testing 5. Cardio-Vascular
  • Echo (2D, 3D, 4D)
  • ECG
  • CT (Coronary Calcium Scoring)
  • 2 Week Ambulatory Rhythm Testing (Equiped with a Zio Heart Monitor)

The intent of Human Longevity Inc., the mother ship behind Health Nucleus, is to expand the healthy human lifespan by building the largest human genome sequence center in the world. Their current mission is finding people to participate in a research study to compile our genomes, so at the end of the day, they will create this massive database of personalized genomics that will help our society to help correlate that this gene causes this disease, where this gene with that gene prevents this disease for me but maybe something different for someone else.

It is all about becoming proactive as a society versus reactive when dealing with our health and a better understanding of our predispositions toward the chronic illnesses, a paradigm shift in medicine; to developing a deeper understanding into what can keep us living longer and healthier.

Our experience at Human Nucleus was very impressive and enjoyable. The staff was very accommodating; our room was nice and comfortable, fully stocked with healthy snacks as we had to fast for 12 hours before our visit. Once on site we were given comfortable clothes to change into, a Health Nucleus T-shirt, “scrub” pants, and socks … one of my favorite parts is that I was not asked to take my weight while wearing my shoes, or a jacket and such (Why do traditional doctors’ offices do this? How do you really get an accurate weight each time?) Health Nucleus’ intent is to have us come back each year and be repeatable and consistent to monitoring our own unique well-being.

Each of us is unique in who we are; our genome is our code of instructions for our life, the ingredient list and recipe for our uniqueness. We are made up of 50 percent of our mother and 50 percent of our father … yet unique in our own way from our siblings. Genome is a fancy word for DNA, and by sequencing millions of data, Human Longevity will be able to compare my data to others and create my own genome instruction manual. Their biggest challenge right now is a scaling problem, so through an opportunity from a group of exponential entrepreneurs I belong to, they have scaled down the price considerably.

Along with our inner make-up there are also correlations to our outside influences, lifestyle, environment, and nutrition … what is at the end of our fork can make an overall effect on your overall health well-being, or the buzz word today, “our gut health.” We need to also really look at our food chain today and demand that our large food corporations, and farmers/ranchers are also as committed to human longevity versus maximizing their crop growth by altering our foods that are killing us instead of nutritionally feeding us.

In the book “Genius Foods,” by Max Lugavere, after his mom was diagnosed with a rare form of dementia in her 50s, and yet his grandmother in her 90s was as sharp as a tack, he put his media career on hold to learn all he could about brain health. He highlights 10 brain foods we should have in our daily lives. I strongly suggest getting a copy of this book and incorporating it into your life. The very first brain food is olive oil … this chapter on the oils you are using in your life will be life-changing to a healthier lifestyle.

How does this all tie in to Central Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, & Electrical? We are very committed to “Your Comfort is our Central concern” … and to creating “Lifelong Relationships and Raving Fans” … we want to be your contractor of choice for many decades to come! Call us this coming week to get your home’s heating and cooling system thoroughly checked out before our hot weather is upon us. 


Extra Virgin Olive Oil – 1 to 4 T/day

  • Avocados
  • Blueberries
  • Dark chocolate
  • Eggs – grass fed
  • Beef – grass fed
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Broccoli
  • Wild salmon
  • Almonds

And check out both Human Longevity and Health Nucleus, and sign up today … to engage in the future of our society by partnering up with these research partners

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