How hard is it really?
Recently, I was sharing in a conversation with a friend how important I feel that making the bed is each day. If the kitchen is the heart of our home, the bedroom is the center of our lives.
Think about this, if you are one who does not make your bed each day, doesn’t this reflect back on how your life is in general, a bit messy and unkept. How hard is it to really make your bed?
Position your bed so that it is in the center of the room, this makes it so much easier to make, use pretty sheets, and invest in a comforter and new pillows you like that compliments these sheets. Recently I was watching a “Today Show” segment, which reported that we should be replacing our pillows every TWO years, because of dust mites. Have you seen how ugly these things are, yuck! Washing our pillowcases is not enough; throw your pillow into a hot dryer as well.
I like to use a minimum of six pillows on my bed, two with the complimentary pillow cases for sleeping, or two of the 24-inch European square pillows, two king or queen size covered with pillow shams along the line of your color scheme. It is important to remember, proportion is a key element in design, even as simple as this, a king bed needs king pillows; a queen bed needs queen pillows and so on. Add two colorful throw pillows for the final touch.
Pillows are a relatively inexpensive way to brighten up a room and tie it together. If you choose a solid theme for the bed cover and pillow shames, the throw pillow become a quick and easy accessory to change out as the season’s change.
Choose a neutral color scheme for your comforter, in our home I chose a soft green, at this time of year I add a couple floral pillows, that will take me through the summer, for fall, I utilize autumn tones and then Christmas through February, I choose red and then we are back to spring.
To make a bed each day, takes just a few minutes. The true significance is the overall presence this creates in your whole life as you walk by your bed each time. It is the first thing we see each morning, and the last thing we see each night.
Making a conscious effort to do this every day creates a level of consistency and peace, in this very busy world we live in. It will spill over to how you keep the rest of your bedroom, your closet, to your kitchen, or your home in general.
What about our children? As we were raising our three children, they were expected to make their beds every day, no matter what. Make it easy for them to make their bed, a bottom fitted sheet, a top sheet long enough to stay tucked in, add a comforter and a few pillows and they are done. And guess what? I never had to hound them ever to keep their rooms picked up. It was just a ‘learned’ behavior that began at a very young age.
Clutter and mess pulls us down. The bedroom is the center of our lives, and if you take the small amount of effort to keep this clean, pretty and organized, the rest of your life will reflect it.
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A Cute Easy Easter Craft: Bunnies and Chicks
- White, yellow, paper cups 4” high
- One inch white pom poms (bunny tail and cheek tufts)
- ½ inch pink pom poms (bunny nose)
- Tiny black pom poms (Chick eyes and mouth of bunny)
- Googly eyes approx 1/2 – ¾” (eyes for bunny)
- Pink and white craft foam, 1sheet each (bunny ears)
- Orange craft foam, one sheet (beek of chick)
- White pipe cleaners (whiskers for bunny)
- Small yellow feathers (tuft for chick)
- Glue gun, or fast drying glue
Bunny: Turn white cup upside down, cut two ½” slits in top, glue two googly eyes next to each other 1” down from top, cut pipe cleaner into 2 ½” pieces and glue 2 under each eye for the whiskers, take 2 white pom poms and 1 pink pom poms and glue the two white pom poms just above on top of whiskers to cover ends and then glue the pink pom pom centered slightly higher above the two white pom poms for the nose, glue a tiny black pom pom just under white pom poms for a mouth, cut two ears out of craft foam; white about 5” and pink about 4” and cut similar to a shape of a bunny ear, one end stays straight and other end is point of ear, glue pink in center of white ear matching up the straight edges, dap a bit of glue on straight edge and slip into slits on top of cup. A Bunny wouldn’t be a bunny without a cute fluffy tail, glue a white pom pom, centered directly on the back of the cup at the very bottom edge…
Chicks: Turn yellow cup upside down and cut a tiny hole in the top, glue two tiny black pom poms, 1 ½” from the top and ½” apart. Cut a triangle ¾” bottom witdth by 1 ½” for the sides out of the orange craft foam and glue centered ½” under eyes with point facing down. A chick would not be a chick without feathers; take two or three small yellow feathers and dap a bit of glue on tip of feathers and slide into the top slit…