A Weekend of Celebration

As I am preparing for a long weekend at our cabin on Echo Lake with family and friends, there will be two traditions we will be missing this year: the annual sitting down at the fire pit and watching all the fireworks going off around the lake. For those of us who live and work here in this beautiful Valley, we all know that it has been extremely warm for this time of year.

As much as I will miss our fire at the fire pit and the wonderful display of fireworks we normally indulge in, we must take caution and be prudent about preserving this amazing place we enjoy playing and living in.

All over the United States, friends and families will be gathering together to celebrate our independence from England dating back to 1776 when five men came together to write a document to officially declare 13 colonies their freedom. The Declaration of Independence was born.

Two of these men, John Adams, our second president of the United States, and Thomas Jefferson, who later became our third president, stand out over the other three men. As I was reading some articles from “The Constitution Daily,” these men were both very passionate about their commitment to our freedom, but had completely different political views and even their lifestyles.

President Adams, a Federalist and direct descendent of Puritans settling in Massachusetts, was not as charismatic as our third president, who also was Adams’ vice president. President Jefferson was a man of many talents and interest, and people just liked him. He served as our president for two terms.

I personally find I can tell great leaders in how they handle themselves when things are not going to well. When Jef-ferson won the presidential election over Adams, Adams did not attend his inaugural celebration … hmmm, no wonder he did not win — character and integrity are everything, being a poor loser puts you into a scarcity mindset. While a scarcity mindset may prevail for a while, those with an abundant way of participating in life will always prevail. People like to be around positive, can-do people, and Jefferson was one of these types of people.

It got me thinking what these two men think about our country today. They both worked very hard for us to have the “FREEDOM” of what we know today. How would they handle situations like a young troubled man who sits in a prayer group for an hour and kills nine people and walks out. Or young men walking into high schools, killing classmates and teachers who have been there to help.

And people from other countries taking this “thing” called an airplane and purposely flying it into a tall building, got more than one person to participate.

And in our own little backyard, some group out of Wisconsin is offended by a statue commissioned over 60 years ago by the Kalispell Knights of Columbus … not sure they would be very proud of how some people in our country are taking it for granted, that many, many forefathers before us spent thousands of hours and even put their lives on the line to be able to live in a wonderful country overall that we have at our fingertips today.

I know many parents out there are like me and my husband. We worked very hard to instill good values for our children; however, make sure you every now and then take a step back and make sure you are on track of being very “GRATEFUL” to be an American. We have come a long way in so many things since back in 1776, when our Declaration of Independence was born … but in some ways, we really need to get back on the track of love, honor and respect for all.

At Central, we have a “Code of Values” that guides our Team to be the best we all can be, TO GUIDE our Team to how we expect them to treat our customers. Stay COOL this wonderful weekend of celebration, and take a moment to reflect on all the greatness this nation has …

Your comfort is our Central concern. Call Central for all your heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical and drain cleaning needs at 756-6656.


4 cups of your favorite greens

One cup of sliced Strawberries

1/2 cup of Blueberries

1 T of sugar, lightly sprinkled over the fruit on the salad

1/2 cup of feta cheese

Use your favorite vinaigrette


PS What is so crazy, President Adams and President Jefferson, Adams first, died on July 4th, 1826!!!

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