The days are growing longer and the sun is getting warmer here in Montana, and that can only mean one thing – summer is on its way. We’re sure to have a few more cold snaps in Kalispell, but before you know it, we’ll be taking a dip in the lake and enjoying spending even more time outdoors. As temperatures rise, you may find yourself reaching for the thermostat more to crank up the AC. But what do you do if you find your air conditioner isn’t cooling your home as well as it did last summer? Or worse, what if your air conditioner is blowing warm air?
Air conditioner blowing warm air
An AC unit blowing warm air is not an uncommon issue. However, it is still cause for alarm, and you will want to have the system repaired as soon as possible. After all, your AC is there to keep you cool! There are several reasons your air conditioning is blowing warm air. Some are a quick fix, while other reasons may require professional attention. Read on to learn why your air conditioning is warm, and how to fix it.
Check your thermostat
The first problem could be the simplest to solve – check your thermostat! Did the temperature setting get bumped by mistake, and is it set to the desired level? Make sure the setting is set to “cool” and your fan is set to “auto” to ensure the fan is only blowing when cool air is ready to be blown into your home.
Check the air filter
If you haven’t changed the air filter in a while, this could be the culprit. Dirt and debris could be blocking air from entering the unit, cutting off circulation. Or a household object, such as a couch or blanket, could be blocking a vent and preventing airflow. Air filters should be changed regularly; if you have not changed yours in more than a few months, head to your local hardware store to purchase a new filter. Additionally, check your home to make sure there are no covered vents.
A Dirty or frozen evaporator coil
The evaporator coil extracts heat from the home’s air to start the cooling process. Part of this process is condensation, which is why air conditioners have a drip pan to catch extracted moisture. If too much moisture stays on the coils, or if they have become cacked with dirt and debris, the coils may freeze. Frozen coils prevent heat transfer, so you’ll feel warm air blowing when your unit should be producing cool air.
To check if the coils are frozen, shut off power to your AC system and open the interior door. This should allow you to see the evaporator coils. If you see frost or ice, the best option is to give the coils time to thaw by leaving your system off for up to 24 hours. Once the coils have thawed, ensure the system’s drip pan and condensate drain are not clogged so moisture is effectively removed.
While this can sometimes be performed by the homeowner, the professional team at Central Heating is always happy to help. Contact our team if you suspect frozen or dirty coils, and we can help return your AC unit to cool in no time.
Lack of electricity
Check to make sure all aspects of the unit – both indoor and outdoor units – have power. Sometimes, a unit can become unplugged, switched off or power could have stopped. Check all units to make sure power is on and the devices are running.
Refrigerant leak
If the system does not have the proper amount of refrigerant, the air conditioner may not have the proper charge to complete cooling cycles. Refrigerant leaks must be repaired by a licensed HVAC technician who is certified to handle refrigerant. If you suspect your AC unit has a refrigerant leak, contact the team at Central Heating to schedule a repair.