Before the invention of air conditioning, keeping a house cool was done by saving big blocks of ice. When the first air conditioners came into use, they rated their cooling capacity by using the equivalent amount of ice that melted in a day. We’ve come a long way from this method of cooling our homes.
With the warm summer months approaching quickly, it’s time that we start thinking about how to stay cool this summer.
Here’s a few ways to help slash your energy bills without having to compromise on your comfort.
- Install a programmable thermostat – By tailoring your air conditioning to your schedule, a programmable thermostat can save you money and up to 33% on your energy bills without sacrificing comfort. Need help programming your thermostat or installing one? Central can help! Give us a call.
- A dirty air filter is wasted money – Whether you keep your home cool with a window unit or a central air system a dirty filter will reduce the efficiency of your air conditioning system and use more energy. Changing it at least two times a year ensures your HVAC system is not overworking and your family is breathing clean air!
- Is your fan running the right direction? – Check that your ceiling fan is running in the right direction. In the warmer, summer months your fan should be set to forward so that it pushes cool air down and the blades rotate counter-clockwise. To change this, there is a switch on the base of your fan.
- Schedule an annual check-up – Call Central to come in and clean your AC system. A Central professional can provide you peace of mind and diagnose any inefficiencies from dirty coils and filters to poorly-designed ductwork. Regular cleanings can cut down on the risk of common AC malfunctions and help you stay cool in the heat of summer!!
- Reorganize your furniture – Are you cooling the bottom of your sofa or the back of a chair? Rearranging your furniture will give your living space a fresh look and opens up vent spaces so the cool air freely flows out into the room for all to enjoy.
- Close em’ up! – On all sun facing windows– close your draperies, shades and blinds. East facing windows cover up in the morning and west facing windows cover up in the afternoon. If no one is home, keep them all closed. This free tip can easily help keep your home cooler and save energy.
- Combat internal heat gain – Internal heat sources come from electronic devices, appliances, and lights; all which create more heat in your already warm home in the summer. To avoid your thermostat to run longer than it needs to and reduce energy waste; avoid putting televisions, lights and other electronic devices near your air conditioning thermostat.
- 78 is the magic number – For your air conditioner to run a peak performance, 78 degrees is the magic number. Lowering the temperature even 5 degrees can increase your energy usage as much as 40%. So stay cool and save money at 78 degrees.
At Central we conduct a full “Comfort Evaluation”. We ask questions about your cooling comfort preferences, we address issues regarding allergies, and we take critical measures to evaluate your home and any current systems. Our goal is to install a cooling system to meet your specific needs and budget, or make sure your current air conditioning system is working at peak performance to avoid malfunctions or costly breakdowns. No matter what type of air conditioning system you have or how old it is…Central can fix it!
As always, your Comfort is our Central concern. Call us at 756-6656, for all your heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical and drain cleaning needs!